Looking Back . . . [Part One]

prophetic teaching Dec 05, 2020

The Bible warns us not to look back or yearn for the past [See Luke 9:62].  We are not to be afraid of the unknown in our future but go forth, confident of the Lord's provision as we walk in His purpose.

However, sometimes it is good to review past prophetic words so that we are strengthened and encouraged to go forth into the future.  The key is not to turn back [as Lot's wife did] yearning for the past pleasures found in evil or because we fear the future. 

In the Bible verse referenced above, Jesus told a man that shallow commitments to the Kingdom of God were worthless.  Jesus was looking for men and women who would not let their past lives or personal ambitions distract them from their course any more than someone plowing should be distracted. A person plowing a field in Jesus' day had to fully concentrate on his task so that he could plow in a straight line.  If the plowman was distracted, the animal leading the plow would wander off course.  

This year has been full of distractions.  Worries over the Covid infection, economic difficulties, and the election upheaval have provided enumerable distractions. Yet Jesus expects us to put aside these distractions and concerns and follow Him.  We are to demonstrate the Kingdom through our prayers, our praise, our prophetic declarations, and our acts of kindness and charity, even in the midst of all the uncertainty and upheaval.

Have you been faithfully focusing on Jesus?  Or have you wavered in your focus or even looked back over your shoulder, pining for the past?

Looking back creates questions and confusion.  Keep your eyes looking ahead!  Trust God to take care of what is occurring around you and keep plowing.  We are plowing, not in the natural realm but in the supernatural realm, to bring glory to God and to reap a harvest of blessings for ourselves and others. 

If you have wavered, repent.  Ask God to forgive you, and to give you the strength to keep your eyes, your heart, and your mind firmly focused on Him and the field that He wants you to plow [the purpose to which He has assigned you].  Make Jesus the center of your life; commit all your ways to Him, and leave the past behind!

He will then keep His word and provide you both direction and refreshment in your life.

And remember this:  Someone, somewhere is relying on you to keep plowing that straight line.

Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.”Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” [Eph. 9:61-62, ESV]

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
    fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh[b]
    and refreshment[c] to your bones. [Pro. 3:5-8]


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