Do your days sometimes fill you with frustration, confusion, and bewilderment?
Do you dream of greatness but struggle with the daily burdens of the mundane?
Do you feel like you should be soaring in the Spirit but feel pressed down by the distractions and grind of daily responsibilities?
Hurrah! You're human...
and I know exactly what you are feeling.
In my quiet times with the Lord, when I read and study His written Word, I get excited about how loved I am by God, how I am seated with Him in heavenly places, how he has given me--and you--authority and has created us to be priests and kings in HIs kingdom. I often pray that I may bring Him honor and great glory, and that I desire to see Him face to face. At times, I feel as if I could fly to heaven on eagle's wings or slay 50 Goliaths.
Then the reality of the present world smacks me in the face. Oh, it may not be a major trauma or upheaval. I struggle with the mundane hassles of life--like ants in the garbage can or spilt soap in the laundry room. It just seems so wrong for "a priest and queen" to have to sort and wash smelly clothes, fold and put away clean laundry, and then have to repeat the process--over and over and over and . . . .
Yet Jesus' washed the disciples' feet. Yes, He did this mundane chore for His disciples to demonstrate the humility and love those called to kingdom ministry should exhibit. He washed their feet because He wanted them to realize that following Him would have a cost. He washed their feet to show the disciples that they were to serve others. Jesus washed their feet to demonstrate humanity's need to be cleansed of sin so that all could fellowship with Him [remember, Jesus did this foot washing just before His last supper with the disciples].
But He also washed their feet because their feet were dirty. [Mt. 26:14-39; Lk. 22:24-27; Jn. 13:1-7]
Now, doing laundry [as I am doing today] does not seem to be much of a God-glorifying, Kingdom-building activity. However, it is a responsibility. God created mankind to be His representatives and stewards over the earth and to take care of His creation. He continually reminds us that the earth is the Lord's and all that it within it [Ps. 24:1-2]; He expects us to take care of whatever He gives us [Mt. 25:14-30].
So, if He leads us to oversee a great ministry, we are responsible to reveal the love and power of Christ in that ministry and to administer the ministry in Godly ways. If we have received training for a job, we are employ that training to do our best in a way that glorifies God.
And if a pan get dirty, we wash it. If our clothes get dirty, we wash them. We mow grass and weed the yard, or do whatever mundane chore that is ours to do. By responsibly caring for all we possess, we show our thanks to God for His physical blessings.
I try to remember these things when it is late at night, and I still have pots to wash; or when I remember there are wet clothes in the washer that need hanging up. I tend to be more of a "messy" than a "neatnik" so disciplining myself in doing chores is tough.Honestly, I struggle with this. I'd much rather be sharing God's Word with someone than doing mundane chores. Yet this is one way that I can give honor to God with my obedience.
I also believe this: If I am faithful in the little things, God will open the door to the "more..."
If you are faithful in little things,
you will be faithful in large ones.
But if you are dishonest in little things,
you won't be honest with greater responsibilities. [Luke 16:10, NLT]
I am not really a believer in the phrase, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"; but I do believe "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father." [Col. 3:17, NLT]. And as I do so, the Holy Spirit is molding me into a person God can trust with true riches, a person who has been molded into the image of Jesus Christ.
Hey, want to come wash dishes with me? We can worship the Lord together; our dishtowels will be instruments to His praise!
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