Don't Quit! Rest

It is April; the flowers are blooming, bumblebees are buzzing outside, and the days are growing longer. There is a sense of rightness that the earth with its plants and animals is awakening from the stupor and cold of winter.
Oh, beloved. Do not be misled. This spring is like no other. The heavens are roaring; spiritual warfare is increasing; and the effects of that warfare are being manifested in the earth.
We as believers in Jesus Christ are being called to respond. We are to arise, knowing that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Kingdom of God.
Yet you may personally be experiencing great difficulty. I know; the other night I had physiological symptoms that resembled in a very, very, very mild form something like those who have suffered from PTSD. I have never faced combat or suffered the type of trauma that creates PTSD, and I was shocked at my reaction [ much milder than that faced by people who have been diagnosed with PTSD] to a problem that arose. [The problem was one involving a technological setback, nothing at all life-threatening].
I was surprised and my reaction. I knew I was weary from all the various, nit-picky problems that I have faced in attempting to be obedient to the Lord. I was also someone emotionally tired from sowing and not reaping the harvest that I expected. I was worn from the spiritual combat I experienced through prayer. And I felt worn from frustration concerning a number of situations.
Perhaps you feel worn to. Hang on! Take some time to get alone with God, not just in prayer and praise [Do that first]. Rather, ask the Holy Spirit to go with you as you take a "time out". This could be as simple as reading a book, taking a walk, working on a hobby, or window shopping. The point is that you realize your responsibilities for a short time and just refresh yourself. Take a break and rest yourself in the Holy Spirit.
Then we return to the battle.
We can not quit.
We take a break and then resume our position in the ranks.
There is a shaking going on. All that can be shaken is being shaken.  Leaders in the Body of Christ and ministries that have lost their firm foundation in the Spirit [or who never had it] have fallen and will fall.  God is evaluating His servants; those who are faithful will be given much more but those who have not been faithful will be stripped of what they have.  The ekklesia is not breaking apart but is breaking out of the traditions of men and all the constraints that the enemy has put upon the ekklesia through deceit.
Being shaken is not pleasant, even if you stand. The spiritual war that continues in the heavens can be wearisome.  But it is time to put aside all the childishness, the halfway commitments, the selfishness, and rebelliousness ["I can worship God any way I want to"]. We need to seek the Lord and do what He tells us to do, even when we don't like it. Our eternal destiny--and that of our family, friends, country, and world--depend on the ekklesia standing in her authority and being the salt and light the world needs.
Do the work of the Kingdom; get the rest that you need.  BUT DO NOT QUIT!

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