Lynn Watkins, Th.D, CIAN

Coach, Trainer & Speaker

Hello! We live in a turbulent time with all sorts of people screaming that their opinion is the only one that counts; they alone know what is proper and valid. Others demand you agree with them or condemn you as stupid or evil. So who can you talk to about spiritual matters?

How about talking with me? Although I grew up "going to church," I had a lot of questions about what I heard "in church" vs. what I saw and experienced. I was taught in Sunday School that God spoke to people face to face. However, an intimate relationship seemed very different from the formal, sometimes boring church services I attended. Growing up, the Church appeared to me to be a place of social obligations rather than a center of renewal or supernatural marvels. Why [I wondered] doesn't God talk to people directly today? Where were the adventures and joys the people of the Bible experienced? I didn't know anyone I could discuss my questions with. So when I was about thirteen, I decided God was a fake--like the Easter Bunny.

Then just before I left for college, I had a supernatural encounter with God. I discovered God is real and wants to share His love and thoughts with His children! After accepting Jesus, I developed a passion for people to know how much God desired to speak to them and for the Church to awaken to a new level of the supernatural life and to realize what it meant to be the beautiful, supernatural bride of Christ. My adventures with God have taken me to the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the People's Republic of China, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Spain, and Croatia to strengthen, mature, and encourage fellow believers. I have spoken at women's conferences, to small groups, and at various pastoral training conferences throughout the years. These adventures with Jesus have not always been easy or fun, but they all work to bring me closer to Him.

As a young believer, I was blessed with Godly leaders who helped me mature as a believer and began teaching me about what 1 Corinthians 12 called "spiritual gifts." However, several unusual events indicated God had called me into prophetic ministry. At the time, I didn't realize prophetic ministry was controversial. However, I did know this: I could not find a mature prophet who could mentor or train me concerning prophetic ministry. 

Though I desired to honor God in all my actions, my immaturity led me to make mistakes as I sought to obey God's call. I rejoiced when God opened the doors for me to receive "basic prophetic training" at Christian International under the leadership of Bishop Bill Hamon. In addition to my training at CI, I obtained Master's degrees in Theology and Divinity and my Doctoral degrees in Ministry and Theology. Recently I also attended the School of the Prophets at Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, for a good "polishing." 

In 1976 I married  Michael Watkins [we are a bi-centennial couple]. We have three children [two girls and a son]. In 1996 our family moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina, where we joined Evangel Cathedral. I became a licensed minister as part of  Evangel Fellowship International in 1998. As part of EFI, I was privileged to travel and teach prophetically throughout parts of Europe, including lands formerly behind the Iron Curtain. A family health crisis led me away from active ministry for about ten years, yet those difficult years stretched and transformed my life. I have now returned to public ministry under the "Prophet's Call/Redivivus Ministry" banner.

The last several years have been years of significant change. In my home church,  I served two years as the "go-fer" for the administrator during the transition of Evangel Cathedral of Spartanburg into Free Chapel Spartanburg. During these two years, I finished the research for my first book and obtained my ministerial license for The Prophet's Call Ministry from Christian International, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida[I am also certified to teach on Spiritual Gifts by CI]. My husband Michael is now also a licensed minister under CI. [We are also members of the Christian International Apostolic Network and Visionary Partners to CI.] 

Michael Watkins, M.D


Learn More about the Handsome Half of Redivivus/the Prophets Call Ministry!

[Michael is a semi-retired Obstetrician/Gynecologist who has been involved in the mentoring of young physicians for almost 40 years. Michael is the primary leader of the "The Lion's Roar" homegroup. He also works with the Carolina Pregnancy Center and is greatly respected for his wisdom.]

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Hello. I was raised in the church. However, I became a dedicated, Spirit-filled Christian in college where I met my wife. I  married Lynn in my second year of medical school [some forty-seven years ago]. But I did not set out to be a doctor.  I originally planned to be either a camp counselor and youth director or a chemistry teacher and youth director. God had other plans! He led me into medicine and an  OB/GYN specialty.

After finishing my residency in OB/GYN, I served in the USAF Medical Corps for nine years.  During that time I was called up and served in Desert Storm.

God led me from the USAF into teaching medicine. I have practiced in two Family Practice programs which taught OB/GYN to Family Practice residents and medical students. I have also trained OB/GYN residents and Family Practice doctors in an OB/GYN fellowship for over twenty years.  I am a member of the Association of ProLife Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Christian Medical Dental Association.  I was a fellow in the American College of OB/GYN but left that society due to their radical pro-abortion stances.  

While doing all this, I have acted as Lynn's and our children's spiritual covering. I am probably Lynn's biggest supporter, encouraging her to complete her theological training and step out in her giftings. [I added this part--Lynn]

Currently, I am semi-retired and work in medicine as a laborist delivering babies a couple of shifts a month. However, God has been speaking to me about using my gifts and callings for a different purpose now that I am not working full-time as a medical doctor.  Like Lynn, I am a licensed minister of Christian International.



Michael and I now serve in our local church as co-leaders of “The Lion’s Roar” home group and as volunteers at special events. In addition, I travel to provide prophetic ministry and training to those who want to experience and walk in the spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit.  

Through this website entitled "God's Delivery Service," I provide online access to resources provided by the Prophet's Call/Redivivus Ministry []. My present ministerial focus is to use modern technology

  • to provide comfort, encouragement, and a Biblically-focused understanding of current events to believers,
  • to mentor those interested in prophetic ministry,
  • and to develop prophets walking in integrity, maturity, and power for God's glory and the Church's perfecting.  

My dream is for a united Church to awaken to Who She is in Christ and replicate believers whose Christ-like character brings hope and restoration to the world.

To facilitate this task, I established Divinely Commissioned LLC. "DC" to be the business entity that provides books, workbooks,  videos, and training materials, which require production outside the capacity of this ministry. However, online courses, YouTube videos, reports, and other materials are also available as free resources. All these items were created for those who:

  • want to know more about prophetic ministry and prophets,
  • deepen their Biblical understanding of God's Word,
  • find hope, healing, and restoration in Jesus,
  • and to discover the fullness of life in Christ Jesus.

I also provide limited mentoring orcoaching services for those called into prophetic ministry.

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Special Booklet: Arise:  Embrace Your Destiny written by Lynn Watkins

• It is time to shake off your lethargy and arise to walk in your calling.
• Awaken to your supernatural purpose
• Avoid the common obstacles to reaching your destiny.



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Special Report: It's Time for God's Prophetesses to Arise written by Lynn Watkins

• You are God's messenger 
• Deliver the message to the right person 
• Don't deliver "a package" that is too heavy