Comfort for the People of God

Aug 18, 2022

Prophecy—August 11, 2022.


This prophetic word seems to be the last of a series that the Lord spoke to me from August 4, 2022-August 11, 2022. If I understand the Lord correctly, while the time of forbearance is ending for unjust, unrighteous leadership, God will rescue, affirm, and restore those who long for Him [even if they don’t realize it yet].

 Comfort. Speak “Comfort” to My people.

For just as I deal sternly with the proud, the rebellious, and the unrepentant, so I will deal with My people tenderly. I will touch them as you would handle a delicate rose without bruising a single petal of the rose. I will lift them in My arms as a mother cradles her newborn child, and I will walk beside them as a groom walks with his bride.

I will bring them joy and peace. I will break off all the heavy loads—the false expectations and deceptions that the enemy and the false ministers placed on My people so they may walk in freedom. Those who...

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The Shift--Parts 2 and 3

Aug 16, 2022

Yesterday I began sharing the first of a series of words concerning God's indictment of America. These words are a stern warning, indicating that God's forbearance with America is ending. Today, I am posting parts 2 and 3 of that series. These portions resulted from my asking God to grant me a greater understanding of HIs concerns.

Part 2

 But I asked the Lord, "Lord, although I think I understand, will you be specific about what has disgusted you?"

 And I believe the Lord responded. He despises

  • America's greater love for money and spectacle than for righteousness or integrity.
  • Politicians who lie and destroy good people's reputations to gain money and power.
  • People who knowingly vote for evil people and evil policies to line their pockets.
  • The lazy
    • those who are too lazy to seek the truth and
    • those who are too lazy to work at gainful employment but want to eat the fruit of other people's efforts [This includes both spiritual and physical fruit].
  • Those...
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There Is a Shift Happening

Aug 15, 2022

The month of July was a busy time for me.  I published and launched my new book, Out of the Ashes.  I also assisted [in a small way] in the launch of another book, Ambushed by Joy,  written by Hayley Hewitt.   So much of July focused on books, advertising, and promotional concerns that I began to dream about it all.

However, that was July.  Today is August 15, and a shift is happening in the heavenlies.  Now, natural, noticeable changes have occurred with the start of a new school year.  School buses are rolling, and parents must deal with new schedules and school supply costs.  However, I am speaking of a much more profound change [or shift].  The time of God's forbearance is coming to an end. 

Over the last few months, God spoke encouraging words to His people.  But, now, God is sending a warning:  It is time to repent, to evaluate our thoughts and actions, and change them if they disagree or fail...

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Unexpected Opportunities

Jul 02, 2022

One of my strengths is the ability to focus intently on one activity or problem.  However, this strength becomes a weakness if I allow myself to become inflexible in my thinking or how I work with the people who surround me.  If I focus on my expectations and plans coming to pass exactly as I have planned, I will suffer great disappointment and may miss God's best for our lives.

When our plans are interrupted or go awry, we have the opportunity to use that problem to grow in grace and become more like Jesus, or we can choose to stew in frustration and disappointment.  A recent book Ambushed by Joy speaks of the balance we need to maintain in order to live in the fulness of life that God intends for us.  

I took the unexpected interruption of a rainy day to make a cartoon video!   Please watch this short video to learn more. 

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The Old Red Chest

Jun 29, 2022

It's summer in the Carolinas!  That means we are having hot, muggy days.  I don't like the heat or humidity but it does mean that I am able to work on the type of projects that I like.

Recently I was thinking about painting an old chest.  Now, this chest was cheap, the sort of chest that would be useful in a college dorm or in one's first apartment.  It was a good size, but I was not sure that it was worth actually painting the chest.  I was talking it over with the Holy Spirit and thought, what I really one is an old, red, beat-up chest with an Americana flair.

Now this thought was not a prayer request, more like an "I wish I had." Yet our Father in heaven likes to grant us some of those little desires when He knows that blessing us in this manner will not corrupt us.  I now have a beat-up red chest of drawers exactly like what I envisioned that I was able to buy locally for a pittance.

This chest had been in someone's garage for over ten years storing...

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Morning musings

May 22, 2022
This post may make you angry, but please read all of it before you respond.
This morning I woke up to hear that a draft memo concerning the Roe vs. Wade deliberations had been leaked.
IF the memo is true...A decision based on false testimony [admitted by the woman who brought the case], poor science [or the lack of accurate science at that time], and an inappropriate interpretation of the constitution will soon be overturned.
Now, what will be the effects of such a ruling?
  • Abortions will continue to be legal in the United States.The only change is that the decision to make abortions legal will be determined state by state. Many states had legalized abortions before Roe vs. Wade passed; many states will probably choose to legalize abortions again.
  • Abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, may have to close some of their clinics. The millions and millions of dollars such providers make each year may be impacted [at least until they...
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A Great Divide

Apr 21, 2022

A division is occurring within the Body of Christ. Terms like "Conservative Christian" and "Liberal Christian" are being tossed around. But the true division occurring among believers is obscured by incorrect usage of such terms. If believers only look at the number of many social outreaches a particular church body is involved in, they will miss the root cause of the division entirely.

Recently I read a very heart-felt editorial from a pastor expressing distress about this division in the Body of Christ. The pastor’s concern and compassion for people were easily discernible throughout the article I read. The pastor expressed dismay that several local churches had joined together to host a men’s meeting that was designed to encourage men to be leaders in the family. The pastor felt the money spent on the meeting would have been better spent feeding the poor. The pastor felt the "Conservative Christians" within the local churches...

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What Does God Require This Easter

Apr 17, 2022

This Holy Week has been a little different than I expected.  Some planned events to celebrate the Passover were canceled. I did not participate in others [such as the wonderful event at Free Chapel Gainesville]. Actually, most of my thoughts this week have not been directly focused on the Crucifixion or the Resurrection of Jesus but more on His obedience. God spoke to me very clearly on April 12th about obedience--both Jesus' and our own.  The following outline comes out of research I did after receiving that word [A few of the verses are printed out to get you started on your own investigation]. I have printed the word I received after this outline.

Part 1:  Outline 

 Jesus said that He came to do the will of the Father.

  • John 5:30  “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.
  •  John 6:38 

Jesus did not go to the cross accidentally....

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Don't Quit! Rest

Apr 07, 2022
It is April; the flowers are blooming, bumblebees are buzzing outside, and the days are growing longer. There is a sense of rightness that the earth with its plants and animals is awakening from the stupor and cold of winter.
Oh, beloved. Do not be misled. This spring is like no other. The heavens are roaring; spiritual warfare is increasing; and the effects of that warfare are being manifested in the earth.
We as believers in Jesus Christ are being called to respond. We are to arise, knowing that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Kingdom of God.
Yet you may personally be experiencing great difficulty. I know; the other night I had physiological symptoms that resembled in a very, very, very mild form something like those who have suffered from PTSD. I have never faced combat or suffered the type of trauma that creates PTSD, and I was shocked at my reaction [ much milder than that faced by people who have been diagnosed with PTSD] to a...
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Morning Prayer

Mar 15, 2022

We of all people have eternal hope.  While wars, deaths, and other troubles bring us sorrow, we do not have to be desolate.  We have the peace and strength of the Lord to draw upon.

I have lost a friend and mentor.  Yet while I will grieve, I know that I will see my friend again.  I know I can love and uphold my friends and the family, knowing we can all come to the Father and pour out our hearts to Him.


Blessed be the Lord who knows and carries our sorrow.


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