Have the last six months flown by you like a whirlwind? Do you feel shaken and tossed? Certainly, the events of 2021 and the beginnings of 2022 can leave the average person shaken. We are in a period of time in which everything that can be shaken is being shaken.
God is allowing this shaking so that we will see our own hearts and discover if we really trust Him, or whether we are only giving Him lip service while we allow our own wants and desires to rule and reign in our hearts. Only as we face uncertainty and adversity do we discover our real heart motivations. It is so easy to deceive ourselves.
And now, when we are weary of the horrors of Covid and Afghanistan, war has engulfed Ukraine. Like many people, I have been praying and interceding. Yes, Ukraine has had a very dark history, but a major revival has been arising in the land and the spirit of the antichrist has risen in opposition to that revival. I am praying for my brothers...
The last month and a half I have been absent from the world's affairs. My own world shrank considerably when my household grew from two people to two people, a four-month old puppy, and a dog whose owner had to be away for a number of months. Between housebreaking a puppy, helping a heart-sick dog adjust to a new environment, and trying to keep the house standing, I have not spend much time considering the significance or impact of events.
So I find myself on this day, November 19th, discovering that the inquisition is alive and well in America. As of December 6th, every hospital in the United States of America is being forced to require 100% vaccinations for Covid-19 of all employees or have all their Medicare and Medicaid moneys with-held.
However, one views the vaccination process, one has to admit this is a drastic step which has the slight odor of heavy-handedness attached.
Locally and in many other areas of the country, people are scrambling...
I hope I can explain this clearly....
I found my first red leaf of the fall yesterday. Our sycamores have been dropping yellow leaves, but I constantly look for the red and bright orange leaves that let me know that the cooler days of autumn are finally coming to release us of the humidity and mosquitos of summer. This red leaf, even with its black spots of decay, grabbed my attention filled me with the anticipation of breezy, cool autumn days.
You know, in some ways I resemble that leaf. I have areas of blackness and decay in my life--not just from aging, but from not yet being conformed to the image of Jesus in all areas of my life. I often try to ignore these dark areas, for these imperfections frustrate and embarrass me. However, I am sometimes so aware of my failures and shortcomings, that I am hesitant to speak of the greatness of God. I think: How can I speak into this situation when I am so messed up myself? I wonder if...
A discussion of the indictment that God made against the northern Kingdom of Israel in Hosea 4. The people of Israel ignored the calls by God to repent and suffered a series of natural convulsions and the eventual destruction by the Assyrians because they refused to repent for their sins. Their experience and poor choices serve as a warning to those Christians today who are apathetic or lethargic about their spiritual life.
May 6, 2021
Sometimes God surprises me.
Have you ever heard something like this, “Well, just when I thought I had figured things out...”?
The person usually goes on to explain how their plans got upset in some way.
Well, I can say just as I thought I had figured out what God wanted me to focus on for the next few months, He surprised me. I thought I was to focus on family projects and personal health [yes, I gained weight during the pandemic and let my regular exercise slide]. On the ministry side, I was to focus on finishing a video course concerning prophetic witchcraft, rewrite a book on hope, create several e-booklets and other materials to encourage believers, and prepare another video course.
All these things are important, of course. All this need doing, and I felt as if the Lord wanted me to work on each of these areas, which meant disciplining myself and creating a balanced work schedule. Unfortunately, none...
Do your days sometimes fill you with frustration, confusion, and bewilderment?
Do you dream of greatness but struggle with the daily burdens of the mundane?
Do you feel like you should be soaring in the Spirit but feel pressed down by the distractions and grind of daily responsibilities?
Hurrah! You're human...
and I know exactly what you are feeling.
In my quiet times with the Lord, when I read and study His written Word, I get excited about how loved I am by God, how I am seated with Him in heavenly places, how he has given me--and you--authority and has created us to be priests and kings in HIs kingdom. I often pray that I may bring Him honor and great glory, and that I desire to see Him face to face. At times, I feel as if I could fly to heaven on eagle's wings or slay 50 Goliaths.
Then the reality of the present world smacks me in the face. Oh, it may not be a major trauma or upheaval. I struggle with the mundane...
On this Resurrection day, my thoughts wander. . . .
Yesterday [4/3/21] I spent several hours driving across the Carolinas. Because work delayed my leaving until the afternoon, I didn’t really want to make this drive yesterday; but I had to take the journey if I wanted to be home for Resurrection Sunday [commonly called Easter]. Along the way, I had to slow down several times because of signs saying that "Road Work" lay ahead; these work slowdowns lengthened my journey considerably. I was so glad that the sun clung to the sky long enough for me to recognize the familiar landmarks and signs that lay within a mile or so of my home. [I actually entered the house just as the last afterglow faded from the sky].
During this long drive, I spent part of the time listening to books by Jennifer LeClaire and James Goll. As I listened to their inspired words, my mind went from focusing on the length of my journey and the delays I faced to the goodness and majesty of...
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